Leading in Hope 2011 Archives

Let Christmas Deny the World?

Christmas deny the world?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the world can deny us of many things, especially love and joy and peace and so let's use Christmas as our opportunity to deny the world it's hold on our heart.

Yes, Virginia There Really Is ...

Where does Jesus fit into all the make believe?

Rubel Shelly helps clarify that Jesus is a historical figure and real, not something imaginary like the Easter Bunny, tooth fairy, and Santa Claus.

Merry Christmas?

Isn't happy holidays just too bland?

Rubel Shelly shares very respectfully the reason he wants to say Merry Christmas.


He's making a list and checking it twice ...

Rubel Shelly talks about living by lists and emphasizes the importance of moving things from your worry list to your prayer list.

A Sure-Fire Investment

What are you going to do with today's opportunities?

Rubel Shelly reminds us to invest each day in simple acts of service to others.

It Isn't (All) About the Money

Wouldn't you want to work here?

Rubel Shelly talks about the best places to work and how it isn't all about money.

The Scattered Church

How is the church like manure?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the church is sent, scattered, meant to infiltrate and penetrate the world and make a difference.

Someone Named Her 'Unwanted'

How do you ever overcome the name?

Rubel Shelly writes about the name Nakusa in India and how it means unwanted and asks how to you overcome a bad name.

A Healthier Image of God

What are the two great lies Satan tells about God?

Rubel Shelly talks about the two lies satan tells about God and that we often believe, that God tries to limit us and that when we sin God wants to punish us.

I Love that Kid!

Running the right race!

Rubel Shelly tells the story of Josh Ripley running cross country and helping out a fellow competitor and showing great compassion, kindness, and helpfulness, as a follower of Jesus.

Looking for a Sacred Job?

Isn't it time to consider giving up your secular work?

Ron Rose talks about the difference and the parallel of sacred and secular work and the jobs we have and do and whether or not we are secular or sacred people.

Commitments and Complications

How true are we to our promises?

Rubel Shelly talks about trustworthiness, about keeping our word, honoring our promises, and even more, honoring God by keeping our promises.

The Forgotten Virtue

Is it hard to be humble when you think yourself great?

Rubel Shelly talks about the virtue of humility and how it is in short supply these days.

Think Differently

Is your thinking stuck in a rut?

Tom Norvell reflects on Apple founder Steve Job's retirement and reminds us to think differently.

Coming to Terms with Change

Don't like change? Here's something worse and something better!

Rubel Shelly talks about change and our need for it or we grow obsolete and irrelevant.

Play to Your Strengths

Use the best of what the Lord has given you to honor him?

Rubel Shelly talks about using your strengths and interests to do your best and honor God.

The National Debt

How did we get into this mess?

Rubel Shelly is talking about money and debt and solutions to it at a national and personal level.

Our Failure to See God

How could this happen?

Rubel Shelly looks at how easily the religious of Jesus' day dismissed what he did and reminds us that it is still happening today.

He Didn't Save it for Us

Integrity can be costly in the long run while paying huge dividends in those we teach!

Rubel Shelly talks about a family who found money in the attic of their newly purchased house and returned it to the heirs of the previous owners because they were honest and wanted their kids to know the truth of character.

Let Us Thank Him

God is great, so what are we going to do about it?

Rubel Shelly reminds us to be thankful for even the most simple things, including our meal and the gift of food and fellowship over table.

And Faith Survives

How has the church been able to endure and weather all of its storms?

Rubel Shelly writes an article parallel to his book and emphasizes that somehow Jesus and his teaching survive all the weird things churches and church movements do.

Would Someone Please Help?

You've been there, haven't you, where you needed help and wondered if anyone was there?

Phil Ware talks about using our summers to do God's work.

Does the Bible Say That?

Are you sure the Bible says that?

Rubel Shelly talks about pithy, wisdom sayings that some mistake to be Scripture.

Making Faith Look Foolish

So when is Jesus' return?

Rubel Shelly talks about the end of the world, which a prediction missed once again, and how those who do not live faith embarrass the cause of Christ.

A Tribute to a Coach and Friend

Why turn down more money?

Rubel Shelly talks about friend and coach Garth Pleasant of Rochester College and his great coaching career and his training and raising up of young men.