Just for Women (Page 6)

Little Acts of Love

Now what can I really do and does it really matter?

Marsha Jordan reminds us that we may not have the skill set or talents we would choose for ourselves, but we can still change the world through small acts of love.

Nearby Treasures

Is what you most need to hear or see actually nearby?

Kelly Breece talks about taking her daughter to see her grandmother and how she discovers a homemade book nearby that blesses them all.

A Gift from a Friend

What can one person do at such a painful time?

Kelly Breece shares the important lesson about friendship and helping a grieving friend by just being present.


Can we grow the gift of faith?

Tammy Marcelain writes about believing, trust, and God using our struggles, weaknesses, and trials to make us people of faith.

Paper or Plastic

What bags are people carrying around for you?

Katha Winther talks about free and not so free bags we all carry around.

Considering Valentine's Day

So what's really the deal with Valentine's Day?

Sarah Stirman talks about Valentine's Day and what it means to be really in love and to share love.

Winter Gardening

What kind of spiritual work is going on in the quiet work of your life?

Lisa Mikitarian shares with us about seeing the evergreen when the weeding is done in winter and reminds us of the constant, ever-present and everlasting God who loves us.

What Could Have Been

How do you know if you have made the right decision?

Rebecca Dowden shares an emotional look at a decision to not have children.

Focus on the Goal

Do you just keep your head down and focus on only what might be dangerous?

Sarah Stirman talks about running and rolling her ankle and how it made her afraid to focus on the goal and see the sights.

Holiday Hangover

Got that sinking feeling now that Christmas is past?

Sarah Stirman reflects on the holiday blues, the ending of Christmas, and the extravagance and expense of the holiday, both modern and old.

The Grinch that Stole Mommy

How do I order that talking gnome?

Jenny Runkel admits that Christmas really stresses her out and she finds a way to cope.

A Thankful Heart

Are you a one day a year person or an everyday person?

Sarah Stirman reminds us that we have many reasons to give thanks, even when things are tough.

Move On!

What time is in it in your life?

Sarah Stirman reflects on relationships, Thanksgiving and the book of Exodus and our need to move on.

Small Group Bible Study Suggestions

What can I do when I get in a tough place in my study group?

Elaine Hardt shares some helpful suggestions for small group Bible study.

Untangling Family Knots

Can it really get better if we get closer?

Ann Voskamp uses a boy's three-legged race to be the reminder that in a family, and in life, the closer we get the better we are.

Why Do I Go to Church?

Is it about going to worship?

Sarah Stirman says she doesn't go to church to worship God, so what does she go for?

Watch Out for Number 3

O you'd better watch out or she will make you cry!

Sarah Stirman talks about her daughter's basketball playing and how coaches warn their teams to watch out for her, number 3.

Woman Behold Your Son

What's a mom supposed to do in a time like this?

Sarah Stirman shares insight stirred by her son's second injury to his ankle and it reminds her of Mary's sacrifice at the cross.

Handicapped and His Glory

How can a crippling situation or handicap actually be an open door for the Savior?

Sarah Stirman has reason to reflect on being crippled or handicapped and being useful to God.


Wouldn't you have been upset?

Sarah Stirman writes about a time her husband didn't quite follow through on getting their pre-school kids to Bible class and she gets angry, but the Lord challenges her to forgive!

Pockets of Dreams

Want to know how to take a simple dress and change a life?

Susan Sagun shares with Heartlight the innovative way to help children and women in Uganda while at the same time giving a blessing here at home!

Going Home

Where will I be when I finally realize that I'm home?

Sarah Stirman talks about the funeral for her grandfather and it reminds her where her real home is.

The Coriolis Effect on the Heart

How far have you been deflected away from your goals and dreams?

Lisa Mikitarian examines how we often get driven off course in life and how we are going to do something about it.

Spiritual Restoration

How do we re-charge our spiritual batteries?

Muriel Larson shares some things about being spiritually dry and about an experience on a ranch where a stock pond revitalizes life around the parched desert.

Stop Signs

How many of God's signs are your rolling through and not pausing to hear His voice?

Ann Voskamp uses a rolling California stop at a stop sign and has someone yell at her and it gets her thinking about all the stop signs she has been running.