Articles Tagged 'Tender' (Page 2)

The Voice of Our Father

How do you approach God?

Phil talks about when his son Zachary was born hurt and how his voice as a father comforted his son and how we as God's children can approach God as Abba Father.

Ministering to Our Friends

How do we make life among our friends more enjoyable?

Friends can help friends if they love them and minister to them.

The Forgotten Virtue

When is the last time you heard someone praised from being gentle?

Gentleness is often forgotten in today's world, but it is one of the most lauded virtues in Scripture and we must display it to be God's people.

Mother's Love

Do you really understand how important a mother's love truly is?

A mother's love and touch are crucial to babies in those earliest days of life.

Who Could Ask for More?

Have you ever thought how much God cares for you?

A little girls interruptions become the occasion for seeing how much God loves and listens to us.

What the Kids Pick Up

What are your kids hearing in the background and from you?

Kids hear all sorts of things in the background of the world via the radio and tv, how are we helping them process this?

Seven Ages of a Married Cold

So how do you treat your honey when she or he is ailin'?

The years in marriage can sometimes mean that we take each other for granted; we mustn't let that happen.

When Love Takes You In

When's the last time you welcomed someone in?

We have been brought into the circle of God's grace and we must graciously bring others in as well.

The Search for Jesus' Love

Where can folks find Jesus' love in your town?

compassion, concern, care, Christ, love, Jesus, Church

God's Amazing Majesty and Grace

Can we dare speak with such familiarity to our holy and majestic God?

God is both majestic and gracious; can we draw near to him as sinners with familiarity and tenderness?