Articles Tagged 'Me' (Page 2)

Tough Times Toughen

Wow, tough times can be hard, but is there a payoff to them?

Tough times, even when they are filled with temptation can help us grow and better appreciate good times when they come.

What is CORE: Baptizing

God has given us a way to experience the saving work Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection.

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by talking about baptism and why it is important.

What's Really Important

How do you know the difference?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that most folks miss the point of life entirely because they don't know what is really important.

What Is Core: Believing

What is most important for us to believe and do as disciples of Jesus, today?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages on what is core, or what is at the heart of what we must believe and do to be true disciples of Jesus, today.

Chasing Rabbits

Instead of responding to my requests, Abba whispers, 'Let's chase rabbits!'

Ron Rose shares how God has taught him that the real answers are not in the smooth, seamless, well-thought-out passages, but in the journey chasing His rabbits!

Which Way Will I Run?

Will I run in faith to follow the Jesus of the empty tomb even if it means I have to follow him to a cross of my own?

James Nored and Phil Ware share in video, words, and images some of the many reasons Christians have to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead and is Lord, Christ, Jesus, and Son of God!

I Doubt It: World Changers

Despite early Jewish opposition and later Roman persecution and martyrdom, their passion, conviction, and impact could not be stopped.

Phil Ware continues his series called 'I Doubt It' and focuses today on Jesus' call and promise that his eleven apostles and those that followed them would turn the world upside down with their message of good news and hope and grace.

The Narrow Way Is Not About Narrow Thinking!

These followers are not what they used to be and not yet what they are going to be... they are learners.

Ron Rose is back at Black Rifle Coffee, and God is in the room inviting people to walk with Jesus in the narrows!

I Doubt It: Dirty Feet & Open Hands

Learning the art of loving and sacrificial service in a room full of dirty feet.

Phil Ware continues his series called, 'I Doubt It,' focusing this week on Jesus' tender act of washing the disciples' feet.

Raise Up Many Disciples

Becoming a great rabbi was the highest goal possible, and just to be a disciple of a famous rabbi was an honor.

Dr. Lois Tverberg shares great insights on the meaning of discipleship and a disciple based on their meaning in Jesus' Jewish culture.

I Doubt It: I AM, Don't Be Afraid

Maybe the goal in life is not to arrive at our goals, but to invite Jesus into the journey and let him get us where we need to be.

Phil Ware continues his series called "I Doubt It" and this week focuses on Jesus coming to his closest followers through the storm when they were exhausted, afraid, and uncertain.

I Doubt It: Real Food

Can we really find genuine nourishment and satisfaction in Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his series on doubt focusing on Jesus' statement that doing the Father's will was the basis of finding fullness in life.

We Were Made for This!

There are a million little moments that really matter, and you DO have what it takes to give.

Melissa Troyer shares her heart about the strength, faith, and love that it takes to get through hard things and hard times together.


What season do you find yourself in today?

The seasons, in life and in nature, are reminders of God's power to bring life and warmth out of death and decay.

The Pentecost Challenge

We long for the day when we know fully, even as we are fully known!

Ron Rose is back at Black Rifle Coffee Company and visiting with friends about Pentecost Sunday and knowing each other's names.

In the Power of the Spirit

We can't help it: we live where we look!

Phil Ware continues his series on the Holy Spirit focusing on Jesus and our need for Jesus to be the transforming presence in our lives.

Sometimes I Just Like to Listen Now

Do you ever take time to listen and not sing?

Phil likes to sing, but sometimes he just needs to listen and be blessed and pumped up.

It All Hinges on This

How can we know if our lives make a difference and truly matter?

Phil Ware helps us to better understand both Mark's message about where true life is found and also his outline and organization of his gospel around the hinges to the story provided by the stories of two blind men that Jesus heals.

And It Was Night?

Is there any hope, any light, for our darkness?

Phil Ware talks about the triumphal entry of Jesus and the darkness that Jesus faced for all of us to defeat the darkness and bring us to light.

A Special Corsage for Easter

Betty was sent by God, whether she realized it or not, to encourage a young mother struggling to be the best she could be.

Ron Rose reminds us that the resurrection happens again and again when we let precious memories bubble to the service and rejoice in God's tender power and grace.

Seed, Towel, Promise, & Torchlight: The Promise

Jesus gave his promise to speak comfort and hope into this place of deep longing in their hearts

Phil Ware continues his series on Seed, Towel, Promise, and Torchlight, focusing this week on the power of Jesus' promise in the face of his own impending death.

Don't Settle for a Small Destiny

What do we let define us, call or catastrophe?

Max Lucado from his book "You'll Get Through This" encourages us to not let our disappointments define us but instead let God's destiny for us define us.

Unless a Seed

Jesus had many opportunities to walk away from the shame and pain of the cross, but he chose the Father's will and our need over his comfort.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the dark night that began the long, painful, and lonely journey of Jesus through his Passion to bring us to God.

Seed, Towel, Promise, and Torchlight: Intro

Yes, the seed is still enough of a mystery to keep me interested while I wait for the full blessing of its secrets to reach full bloom.

Phil Ware begins a four week series on seed, towel, promise, and torchlight as he looks at Jesus' last hours on earth and what they mean for us.

What Jesus Can't Do!

Why did Mark include it in his gospel? After all, his gospel is the shortest and most compact story of Jesus among the four gospels!

Phil Ware looks at Mark 6:1-6 and reminds us that this story is for us because we are Jesus' family, relatives, and hometown!