Hope for Life 2008 Archives

Happy New Life

Will turning the page on the calendar change your life?

God can make our lives new, giving us a fresh start. He wipes out past mistakes, letting us begin again.

I Want Christmas Year Round

Christmas is a reflection of my life as a Christian.

The things that make Christmas so special are available to the Christian all year long.

'Fantasy Jesus' vs. 'Real Jesus'

Each year during the holiday season we witness nativity scenes

Perhaps because of the familiarity of the depiction of the birth of the Savior we fail to focus on just what an impact it had on the lives of all mankind.

Peace Like a River

Horatio Spafford knew about the storms of life

The story of Horatio Spafford and his great hymn "When Peace Like a River" still inspires and encourages all of us who suffer.

Back to Basics Church

Church is supposed to be simpler than it is.

We have made church much more complex than the story of Jesus. He brought a simple, real life plan to earth to save us.

Over the River and Through the Woods

"Over the river and through the woods to 'Aunt Patty's' house we go."

"Over the river and through the woods to 'Aunt Patty's' house we go."

Steps to Hope

What does it take to find hope in this life?

There is real hope for our present lives. God offers us this hope through Jesus, and only through him.

No Pain, No Gain

If it was easy to follow Jesus, everyone would do it.

Following Jesus is difficult ... but worth it. Sacrifice leads to joy, peace, hope, and purpose.

Far from Home

Do you ever feel out of place?

Do you ever feel out of place? Like you just don't belong? Maybe when you're visiting with a group of acquaintances, and you just can't seem to relate to them.

What's Your Worst Fear?

What keeps you up at night?

We can overcome the anxiety that fear brings by giving all of our concerns to God. He will, in return, give us an incomprehensible peace.

White Hats and Cowboys

There really are not any

God is good. We are not. He sent his Son so we could be good.

It's a Matter of Perspective

As I was flying out of Abilene

As I was flying out of Abilene this past summer, I looked out the airplane window and admired how green Texas was.

Faith in the Future

Living for today isn't enough

"Where there is no faith in the future, there is no power in the present."

Dropped Passes

What about Christians who sin?

The reality of Christian life is not that we do not sin. It is seen in how we react to our sin.

The Last Letter

It’s called

Today, now, as our world continues to spiral from disaster to warfare, to inhumanity, we must also proclaim the Urgently Important: that our Savior, Jesus Christ, has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel.


Just how long is forever?

When people talk about forever, it doesn't mean an eternity. But when God talks about forever, it means time without end.

Lost Luggage

We can know we have eternal life

Jesus came so we could live an abundant life secure in the knowledge that we will live eternally in heaven.

The Hatchet

When I was a teenager

When I was a teenager some friends and I would frequently get together on a weekend night to go camping.

Finding What We Seek

What are you being driven to do?

We all have an inborn need that only God can fill, yet most of us spend our time running after inadequate substitutes.

Performance Based Systems

We are saved by God's action, not our action.

God sent his Son to die for our sins. We cannot be good enough to save ourselves. We cannot be bad enough that God's grace cannot save us.

Mighty Power

As the massive Boeing 777

As the massive Boeing 777 jet accelerated down the runway, then lifted into the air, I was again in awe at the magnificent power

Overlooked Treasure

There's treasure for the taking

People can live for years needing the very thing that God has to offer, yet they overlook the treasure that He offers.

Christians, Moslems, and Jews

Jesus is the only way to God, or he is nothing.

Jesus claims to be the one true way to God. There is no other.

Flying Solo

Last Christmas my wife and I were given

Last Christmas my wife and I were given a kite. It’s one of those really large ones that requires two handles and gives you a pretty good work out.

The Power of Hope

Don't underestimate the power of hope

Hope can give us the power to overcome illness, change our lives and face whatever this life may bring. Hope needs a foundation, and only God gives an eternal foundation.