Articles Tagged 'Ritual' (Page 3)

First Loves

Why is the loss of passion for the Lord taken so lightly?

For God, losing our loving passion for His Son and His Kingdom is a major concern and we should repent!

Learning to See

When was the last time your really opened your eyes?

We need to open our eyes and view things from a point of view of spiritual reality.

From Invisible to Visible

What really is a spiritual life?

All of life should be lived as spiritual.

Exercising the Spirit

What have you done to grow your soul lately?

While we focus on physical exercise at the beginning of the year, why not also focus on spiritual exercise, too?

A Perfect Opportunity

Are you into traditions?

Holidays and special ritual meals for families can be great times to build into the family spiritual traditions.

Soul Work is Slow Work

Are you willing to take the time to let God work on you?

Soul work takes tiem and in our instant society we must be patient and let God do his work on us.

Fan into Flame

How can we fire it up a notch?

While we are gifted and called by God to our ministries, we must commit to fan into flame the gifts given us!

Weed, Water, and Share!

How does your garden grow?

Sometimes we just need to clear the clutter out of our lives!

Underestimating the Pull of Evil

How strong is the pull in your life?

We shouldn't play around with sin because it opens the door of heart to evil and satan.

"Live and Learn"

How did you get so smart?

Faith is about experience learning, not just sitting in a pew and having church book learning.

If Only I Could Be Spiritual

Are you are spiritual person?

Spirituality is about who you are on a daily basis.

I See Dead People

Have you notice any strange odors lately at work?

There are spiritually dead people all around us.

Words of Wisdom

Where do you get your wisdom?

Spiritual wisdom only comes from God and His Word.

Confused about Spirituality?

What does it really mean to be spiritual?

Most people are baffled and empty headed in terms of real spirituality?

Where Are You Going?

Where will you be when you finally arrive at your destination?

We need to know where we are trying to go spiritually if we ever hope to get there.

Dared to Hope

If only we would trust that the Lord can make us all grow!

We've got to believe that God can bring growth out of tough and impossible situations!

Return to Your First Love

Was it more exciting when you first began?

While time and daily life may wear away the newness of a marriage or our first love to Jesus, we can and must recapture it.

September Song

Can we draw closer in the latter years of our life?

We don't have to grow dim as we age, we can grow closer to God!

S.O. S.

We must learn to use prayer to face our challenges.

One of our most important tools in our spiritual warfare is prayer.

Class Now in Session

Are you willing to join Jesus in the Garden?

Jesus faced the fight we all face in the garden of gethsemane so we should be willing to fight that same fight and not give up!

Fast Food or Truly Full

Are you really full with all that you have been eating?

Have you found real nourishment? Not unless you know Jesus.

Be Used by God

What can God do through you?

God uses ordinary people to do his amazing work.

Not Yet What It Will Be

Are you not there yet?

We must not give up on ourselves or each other because we are not there yet!


Are you putting off a confrontation with the enemy?

We often try to deny or feel sorry about the attacks of Satan in our lives rather than resisting and fighting him with the spiritual power God has given us.

Discernment: Don't Believe Everything You Hear

There are some real whoppers out there that way too many people actually believe.

With all that is said to us, we must practice discernment if we are ever going to really find the truth.