Articles Tagged 'Keeping'

Flying High with Freedom!

We have been set free, so let's not give up our freedom?

Phil Ware reflects on the importance of freedom and what Paul teaches in Galatians.

ToGather: Set Free! (August 1, 2021)

As we worship together, we celebrate our freedom in Christ and invite the Holy Spirit to continue his work of transforming us!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to celebrate our identity in Christ and remind us that we are freed from law-keeping as our way of being righteous and celebrate our identity a

ToGather: For Freedom! (July 4, 2021)

God set us free from law-keeping and sinful rebellion so that we can find freedom to become all we were created to be.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to celebrate our freedom in Christ and make a commitment to never give up our freedom to law-keeping or sin. for October 4 Is Ready!

You're invited to use our worship guide for your home worship!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called!

God's Character Shapes His People

God alone had earned the right to speak truth into their lives, compassion into their hearts, and righteousness into their behaviors.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the importance of the 10 Commandments and the two divine principles of God and Jesus and call us to live them in our daily lives.

God's Character Shapes His People

God alone had earned the right to speak truth into their lives, compassion into their hearts, and righteousness into their behaviors.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the importance of the 10 Commandments and the two divine principles of God and Jesus and call us to live them in our daily lives.

Ancient Wisdom, Today’s Grace: Surprise!

When is it okay to think that we've arrived at spiritual maturity?

Phil Ware continues his series on 'Ancient Wisdom, Today's Grace' and focuses on our desire to continue to grow in Christ.

Why Do I Ignore This Sacred Rhythm?

Jesus invites us into a time of rest and quiet with him!

Phil Ware shares part 2 in his four part series on learning to rest in Jesus and trust in the Lord's power to bless us and give us grace.

Flying High with Freedom!

We have been set free, so let's not give up our freedom?

Phil Ware reflects on the importance of freedom and what Paul teaches in Galatians.

Commitments and Complications

How true are we to our promises?

Rubel Shelly talks about trustworthiness, about keeping our word, honoring our promises, and even more, honoring God by keeping our promises.

SpiritFire - Potholes, Ditches, and Freedom

Can you avoid the deep ditches?

Phil Ware continues his SpiritFire series and reminds us of the ditches that can trap us on the way to freedom in grace and being led by the Spirit.

Beware the Quick Fix

Why do we so easily swallow the lure for the quick fix?

Rubel Shelly warns us about the lure of the quick fix and reminds us that there are no short cuts to what is valuable and that perseverance is necessary for character.

The Failure of List-keeping

Why do we trade our Lord in for our lists?

Bill Denton reminds us that the Gospel of Jesus isn't centered in a list of do's and don't's but in a Savior, Jesus Christ, who was crucified and raised to bring us God's grace.


So what's the point of it anyway?

Should we give up when things look hopeless? Of course not, because the point may not be in winning in the eyes of others, but having God accomplish in us what he wants.