Articles Tagged 'Hang In'

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You Will Get Through This!

Life is hard, but God is great at helping us get THROUGH life's toughest challenges and will never abandone us!

Max Lucado shares the encouragement that we can get through our tough times just like Joseph did his.

You Will Get Through This!

Life is hard, but God is great at helping us get THROUGH life's toughest challenges!

Max Lucado shares the encouragement that we can get through our tough times just like Joseph did his.

Doing the Best I Can

What happens if your best isn't good enough?

Mike Barres reminds us that we all reach times in our lives when our best efforts are not enough, but God can do what needs to be done if we will persevere, fast, and pray.

Flexible Trees

Can you sway without breaking or falling?

Mike Barres reminds us that we need to be like trees: flexible, rooted, connected, and built on the rock.

They're Expecting You

So really, why go?

Rubel Shelly talks about persevering simply because we there are somethings that just need to be done.


How did the snail get on the ark?

Paul Faulkner encourages us to press on and persevere.

How Long, Lord?

Can you keep hanging in there?

Tom Norvell leads us to Psalm 6 and helps us ask, "How long, Lord?" because we all have times when we can barely hang on any longer.

Just Keep Singing

What do you do when you can't think of anything else to do to hang on?

Phil Ware talks about the death of a friend who died with friends singing praises to God and how we can sing our way through anything.

Reasons to Hang in There

How can you keep holding on and believing?

Hanging and persevering is worth it because joy follows morning just as morning follow night.

No Longer New?

How long can you keep the newness alive?

The newness wears off and we get bored and we lose interest and we give up.

Finishing the Race

Will you finish even if the going gets really tough?

Hanging in there and persevering during tough times is not easy, but it is necessary and will develop our character.

Facing Adversity Over and Over

What do you do when you can't face the same thing again?

Sometimes the hardest times are when we face a repeated adversity or trial, but if we can hang in there the Lord will help us through.

The Only One Pulling

Ever feel like you're the only one trying?

Don't give up, you're not the only trying and even if you are, what you do matters to God.