Articles Tagged 'Debt'

Holding on to Bitterness?

Without forgiveness, bitterness is all that’s left!

Max Lucado reminds us of the importance of forgiveness or bitterness poisons our hearts and destroys our influence.


If the gospel we believe doesn't cause us to liberate people from the chains of our prejudices and selfishness, then perhaps we don’t understand it.

Patrick Odom uses the short letter of Paul to Philemon to remind us what is important in Christ.

The Best New Year Ever

How would you like to have the best New Year ever? Jesus can make it happen.

Pay off my biggest debt, restore my most important relationship, and find real meaning and purpose for my life. Now that would be the best New Year ever.

Good News for Christmas

In the dark night of the soul or caught in the foggy haze of confusion, is there good news for me?

Rick Brown writes a beautiful story on the background of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and a reminder that Jesus came for all of us misfits so we could know we fit in.

Where Is Your Olive Oil?

Where do you go when you don't think you have enough?

Robyn F. Johnson shares the story of the widow and Elisha in 2 Kings 4, and she reminds us that God cares for us and provides for us, we just need to look for our little vial of olive oil and offer it to him.

The National Debt

How did we get into this mess?

Rubel Shelly is talking about money and debt and solutions to it at a national and personal level.

Cancelled Debt

It's not just forgiven, it's cancelled!

Patrick Odum talks about an amazing overcharge on cigarettes and reminds us of another huge debt that has gone up in smoke.

Holiday Hangover

Got that sinking feeling now that Christmas is past?

Sarah Stirman reflects on the holiday blues, the ending of Christmas, and the extravagance and expense of the holiday, both modern and old.

Root of the Problem

What really is behind all of this financial mess?

Rubel Shelly talks about the financial crisis, or better, crises, that are afflicting our economy and housing markets and foreclosure problems and points to one age old problem -- greed.

Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land

Let's celebrate TRUE freedom

Despite common misconceptions, freedom is not granted by governments, nor won on a battlefield. True freedom comes from God and God alone.

The War on Materialism

What's the real threat to our culture?

Rubel Shelly writes about our greatest cultural enemy in spiritual warfare, consumerism or greed.


Can we really find true happiness here?

We are killing ourselves trying to find happiness in things and miss it because it is not found there.

Affluenza Epidemic

Have you been vaccinated against this flu?

We have got to address our addiction to things, money, greed, debt, wealth, and materialism.

What You Owe

To whom are you indebted?

Take care of our debts because when we don't it reflects poorly on the church and God's people.

Buy Your Own Gift!

Could you afford the price of this gift?

We couldn't pay the debt of our sin, so God paid it for us in Jesus, but will we accept this gift?

O That Christmas Spending!

Is there more to the season than the spending?

We don't have to become Scrooge to be responsible at Christmas and yet still keep the meaning of the season.

It's Been Taken Care Of!

Area all your debts paid?

The greatest words we can hope to hear are "It's been taken care of" both in life and also for eternity.