Articles Tagged 'Bucket'

Pray and Help!

Practical information on how to help after Harvey and the devastation left behind.

Phil Ware reminds us that compassion isn't compassion until it is turned into action just as faith without compassionate works is dead.

Hank and the Mop Bucket

Changing direction in life is not tragic. Losing passion in life is.

Max Lucado reminds us that God is not finished with us yet and still speaks to us.

A Grey Sponge or a Pure Heart

Do you really want to fill your sponge with grey water?

Teresa Bell Kindred compares seeing Fifty Shades of Grey to a dirty mop bucket and a sponge.

He Saved My Life

Who bailed you out?

Ron Rose reflects on the movie "The Bucket List" and a man who gave his life for his friend in Iraq and challenges us to thank our friends like that and to be a friend like that.