Hope for Life (Page 8)


What are we members of?

The church isn't an organization; it's an organism. Membership isn't optional. If we are in Christ, in a saving relationship with him, then we are necessarily members of his body. Christians don't choose to belong to the church; if they belong to Christ,

Rules, Rules, Rules

Baseball is more than just a set of confusing rules. So is Christianity

Christianity is more than a set of rules no one can follow. It is about a relationship with Jesus.

Look! It's My Obituary

Is that me among the death notices?

I need to think about dying. Not in a scared way, nor some kind of morbid obsession. I need to remember that death is coming… and it's not the end. I need to prepare for my real retirement, the one that will last forever. All of the "busyness" that surrou

The Family Farm

What is a better legacy than having a farm that has been in the family 110 years?

Our family has owned our farm for 110 years, but that is not our most important family legacy. Faith is.

The Friends

A friend in need is a friend indeed

As you read the accusations of the friends, Job must have done something really bad to provoke God and with Job's claim of innocence and bewilderment, it's easy to forget that up until the time they opened their mouths, they were doing what good friends d

Reality Check

Could the story be true?

The crucifixion and resurrection are at the heart of the good news of Jesus. He came to this world, was rejected and killed, then overcame death and the grave. One day he will come again, and God will judge the world through him. Those who have put their

Is Cleanliness really next to Godliness?

But isn't it OK if I think God said it... even if he didn't?

It is dangerous to assume God said something that he did not say. Even worse to think he said something different than what he really said.

Getting Ready

Are you ready?

We know that Jesus will come again. We have to get ready.

How Good Is Good enough, because I'm pretty Good

How good do you have to be to get into heaven?

As long as we can find someone worse than us, we think we are good enough to get into heaven. That kind of thinking misses the point.

Elihu Who?

There are Elihus all around us

In the book of Job, Elihu played an important role, preparing Job to hear the voice of God.


Are you paying attention?

When it comes to finding your way through this world, no GPS can help you. No map program will get you there. You need directions from someone who really knows the way. The book of Psalms says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" (Ps

But these Rules Don't Apply to Me

What do you do with the people who treat rules as if they are only suggestsions?

God created us and knows how we function best. Why do we think we know better?

The Finish Line

It's not about starting, it's about finishing

It's important to start our walk with God, but even more important that we finish it. We have to persevere until the end.

Pulling Teeth and New Life

You can't have your big teeth till you get rid of the old ones. Life is like that too.

Jesus promises new life. Part of new life is getting rid of the old one.

Does God Have Faith in Me?

Does God have faith in you?

We know we need faith in God. But did you realize that God has faith in you?

Putting Words into God's Mouth

Did God really say that?

Just as people misquote celebrities, many misquote God or try to make him say things he never said. We need to study the Bible to know what God really said

There Will Be another Tragedy

What does a Christian believe in the face of one tragedy after another?

There will be another tragedy somewhere today. Christians overcome our tragedies because of what we believe about this world.

New Years and New Lives

It's time to start over

New weeks and new years feel like new beginnings, but only God can truly make things new.

How Could a God of Love Let His Son Die?

If God really loved his son so much, why make him die?

God loves his son. God loves us. Sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and then raising him from the dead demonstrates that love.


There's still a lot of telling to do

Like the Magi of old, people today will follow the signs that lead them to Jesus.

What Does This Mean?

It's time to ask some questions

We need to think about the meaning behind the things we do.

God and My DNA

Scientists used to think 98% of our DNA was useless and used that to argue against the existence of God. Wrong.

Some used the fact that 98% of our DNA was not functional as an arguement against the existence of God. Now they know that over 80% of our DNA is functional. God did know what he was doing.

She Had An Abortion

How big of a sin can God forgive?

Many times, our zeal to condemn sin can make the vulnerable among us feel alienated from God.

If only Tomorrow...

I can't change the past or be sure of the future. But I know who can.

We worry about the past and cannot do anything about it, but God can. We worry about the future and cannot do anything about it. But God can.

About Thanksgiving

What does Thanksgiving mean to you?

It’s the time as we stand around the table, holding hands and expressing thanks to God for all that He’s given us that has become the essence of Thanksgiving for us.