Articles Tagged 'Sports'

But Who Won the Game?

Sometimes the final score doesn't count as much as the way the game is played!

Rubel Shelly writes about a basketball game between the Gainesville Tornadoes and the Vanguard Vikings and the fans who helped give the team a life.

What a Basketball Game!

March madness is here, but the best game was played in February!

Rubel Shelly takes us to El Paso and shares a story that will warm our hearts about a coach, a boy, a team, and good sportsmanship.

Tim Tebow Can't Win!?

What's a young guy got to do?

Rubel Shelly wades into the Tim Tebow issue with some good insight and a reminder to wait and see how this all turns out.

We Want Ike!

When giving up something is winning for everyone!

Rubel Shelly tells about the Ike story that touches the heart and reminds us what sports are supposed to be about.

Shout for Joy!

Why should I rejoice when things are not going well?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we've got to look past our own failures and low view of our own importance and learn to rejoice because we are each a child of the King.

Give Your Kids a Sporting Chance

What's the most important thing for you as a coach of your kids?

Hal Runkel shares some great insights on how to develop good sportsmanship skills in our kids.

But I Have to Cheat ... I'm Not Good Enough

Why do people cheat in academics, in their financial dealings, and even in their relationships?

We can never be good enough on our own; it takes God's help to make us what we should be.

Worship and the Ballpark?

Can we really take worship with us outside our religious boxes?

Worship has to be part of our everyday real life world where we work, play, do sports, have recreation, and watch our kids play.

Everyone Loves a Lover

Why are some people just more loved than others?

People who love others tend to be the people everyone loves!