Articles Tagged 'Second'

It All Hinges on This

How can we know if our lives make a difference and truly matter?

Phil Ware helps us to better understand both Mark's message about where true life is found and also his outline and organization of his gospel around the hinges to the story provided by the stories of two blind men that Jesus heals.

Jesus, After Christmas Coming

Christmas isn't over; it has only just begun if we recognize that it is our job, together, to be Jesus to the world!

Phil Ware reminds us that Christmas isn't over, but now our role is to be Jesus' people, his presence, in our world.

It All Hinges on This

How can we know if our lives make a difference and truly matter?

Phil Ware helps us to better understand both Mark's message about where true life is found and also his outline and organization of his gospel around the hinges to the story provided by the stories of two blind men that Jesus heals.

Beginning in Endings: End of Years, Rebirth of Joy!

How could we have this completely wrong?

Phil Ware concludes his end of the year series called Beginning in Endings by talking about Anna and Simeon from Luke 2 and what they should teach us about aging and what to expect as we grow older.

Running with the Whales

Jonah tried running from God. It did not work.

Stop running from God. He wants a relationship with you. He will do anything to give you that opportunity.

The Second Batch

When does most awful mess become the opportunity for grace to capture our heart and give us confidence for the future?

Lisa Mikitarian tells us a wonderful story about the Father's grace revealed in a young girl's fall with the cupcakes made to honor her beloved grandmother.

Getting Ready

Are you ready?

We know that Jesus will come again. We have to get ready.

The Thief in the Night

Don't let the signs of the times scare you!

Many try to predict when Jesus will come back. The Bible says His coming will be a surprise. The main thing we need to do is be ready to greet Him, whenever that may be.

Playing Second Fiddle?

Why is it so hard to not be the one recognized?

Russ Lawson describes why it is hard and important to be willing to play second fiddle in the Lord's orchestra.

Save Your Fork!

Save your fork ... the best is yet to come!

As Christians, we have hope because of what we are waiting, or more importantly, whom we are waiting for.

Just a Second

Did you realize that somebody gave you more time?

We need to have an eternal perspective on things. Our lives here are finite, but God offers life without end.

Last Hour

Are you ready?

Patrick Odum challenges all of us to live as if it is our last hour on earth.

What Do You Expect?

How in the world are we supposed to know what God expects of us?

How do we know what God expects of us or what it takes to please him? By listening to what he tells us to do in Micah 6:8.

A Broken Mug

What can we learn from a broken coffee cup?

A broken mug helps Tom Norvel remind himself of what is most important about life and ministry, that we are not through when we are damaged, but we must press on.

What Song Will They Sing?

What will they sing when you are gone?

We miss our loved ones when they die, but we can live in such a way to make sure that we see them again.

The Motivation of the Moment

Are you full of anticipation for this event?

We should live passionately expecting the Lord's return.

September Song

Can we draw closer in the latter years of our life?

We don't have to grow dim as we age, we can grow closer to God!

Absence Makes the Heart Grow ... ?

Is there anything good about being away from the one you love?

Being away from someone you love only makes you want to be with them more, but it hard and stinks!

Second Chances

If you're breathing, God's given you one of these!

If you can breathe today, you've been given another day and another second chance at going God's will right!

Time for a Rewind?

Can we really get do-overs?

God offers us something better than a do-over, mulligan, and second chance; he offers us forgiveness and cleansing.