Articles Tagged 'Rape'

The Most Excellent Way

Beyond sexual equality to the Jesus way of mutuality and sacrificial love.

Phil Ware continues his series on how God values women and how precious they are to Him, His people, and the future of humankind, this week focusing on sexual intimacy and value.

Defying ISIS: #togESTHER

What we can do to help!

Ann Voskamp on going to Iraq and meeting with those who have lost so much to ISIS and she calls us to wake up and do something

Early Morning Coffee Discipline

What's this discipline of early morning coffee?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that even early morning coffee can be a good thing if it is tied to a great habit of self-disciplined focus.

Art, Crime, and Justice

When is it time to tell the self-appointed elite they are wrong?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Roman Polanski is a predator and is not to be given any special treatment because he is part of the media elite.

In Tandem with Jesus

Will we let Jesus be the Ringmaster of our lives?

Even when things go horribly bad, we can work in tandem with Jesus.