Articles Tagged 'Plastic'

Glow in the Dark Spiders

Inevitably, the darkness will weigh on them, exhaust them, and feel altogether overwhelming to them. Then, they can come to the light to re-charge, but they can't glow in the light!

Jordan Harrell learned from her son's fascination with glow-in-the-dark spiders that we are made to shine in darkness, not sit under a light.


Why in the world would someone do this?

Patrick Odum writes about a woman who is getting plastic surgery to help make her look like Jessica Alba and talks about what it would take to make us feel lovely and acceptable to God.

Paper or Plastic

What bags are people carrying around for you?

Katha Winther talks about free and not so free bags we all carry around.

Beyond the Tummy Tuck

Now how much do you REALLY like it?

We like a person with kindness much more than a person who has had a bunch of cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery.