Articles Tagged 'Prophesy'

Treasures Old and New

This trek of discovery was our great joy in a year of deep sorrow. In the process, each of us discovered treasures old and new.

Phil Ware continues his series on how the Bible and how God values women and their role in ministry.

Too Familiar to Feel the Bite?

Sometimes we miss the truth because we are too familiar with what we think we know!

Phil Ware continues his series on the way God values women and expresses this in Scripture and also against the grain of culture.

This Is What I Told You ...

What difference does it make that Jesus knew and did it anyway?

Phil Ware continues his series of articles based on Jesus' LifeWORDS, the words he spoke after his resurrection. This week the focus is upon Jesus knowing and predicting he would be crucified and raised and what difference does it make to us today.