Articles Tagged 'Miraculous'

Resurrection 2.6: The Lord of Fresh Starts

Wouldn't life be better if we could have a fresh start after making a mess of things?

Phil Ware continues his series on Resurrection 2.0 focusing on Jesus' loving confrontation of Peter about his arrogance and failure and then restoring him back to ministry.

Entering the Mystery!

The Holy Spirit gives birth to Lord in the heart of each new Christian and longs to bring that new follower of Christ to full maturity in Jesus.

Phil Ware challenges us to enter the mystery of the conception and birth of Jesus the Messiah with Mary and find ourselves caught up in the story of Jesus with her.

How Do You Grasp the Mystery?

The Holy Spirit gives birth to Lord in the heart of each new Christian and longs to bring that new follower of Christ to full maturity in Jesus.

Phil Ware challenges us to enter the mystery of the conception and birth of Jesus the Messiah with Mary and find ourselves caught up in the story of Jesus with her.

Resurrection 2.6: The Lord of Fresh Starts

Wouldn't life be better if we could have a fresh start after making a mess of things?

Phil Ware continues his series on Resurrection 2.0 focusing on Jesus' loving confrontation of Peter about his arrogance and failure and then restoring him back to ministry.

Jesus. Birth!

Three different ways to tell the story of our Savior's birth — short form, Bible verses, video!

Phil Ware wishes everyone Merry Christmas for the Heartlight team and shares 3 different ways to share the story of Jesus at Christmas: a short form, the Bible text from "The Voice" Compass Bible and from a Worship House Media video about a child coming.

Missing It

How badly have you missed it or messed it up?

Tom Norvell reminds us to praise God for what he has done in our lives, not explain it away.

The Astonishing Christ

Everything about Jesus is astonishing!

Even Napoleon Bonaparte was awed by the astonishing Jesus who came to earth as a baby.

How Do You Grasp this Mystery?

Jesus longs to be born again into our world in me?

Jesus wasn't just born into our world in the womb of Mary, but he longs to be born into our world again in each individual Christian the Holy Spirit gives birth to in the world.