Two Minute Meditations 2020 Archives

Blessed Christmas!

In a year of trouble, sorrow, isolation, and loss, our prayer is that you can experience the presence of Immanuel in your life!

Phil Ware shares the and Christmas prayer with all their readers.

Red Boots and Christmas

How do we give the gift of legacy this Christmas, and not just give more stuff that will end up in a landfill a few years from now?

Phil Ware remembers his Daddy Gordon and several Christmas memories that ensured his grandfather passed on a legacy of love and faith despite his few years of life.

Beyond Trite Slogans to Real Help

How can we say these things and really mean them when trying to help those who hurt?

Phil Ware writes about Romans 8:22-29, the bondage to decay that our world faces, our own troubles and hardships, and slogans that we often use and abuse to try to encourage people who are grieving, wounded, or hurt.

Sowing to the Spirit: Finding Power from on High

We can trust God's promises that the Spirit is at work in us!

Phil Ware reminds us that God wants us to know that we have the Holy Spirit present and at work with power in our lives!