Articles Tagged 'Situation'

Give Your Fears to the Father

How remarkable that Jesus felt such fear. But how kind that he told us about it.

Max Lucado reminds us that Jesus made all sorts of faces as he lived life much as we do, and because he has been where we are, even in the darkest of times, we can turn to him and find grace to help us in our times of need.

Who Is this Man?

If we follow Jesus outside the box, what will we find?

Phil Ware begins a series on Jesus called "Outside the Box" and challenges us to follow Jesus and ask the question, "Who is this man?" because it is the most important question in the world.

Real Joy?

Couldn't you take a couple of doses of this in your group?

Phil Ware talks about the real source of authentic joy, the Holy Spirit.

Good Things from Bad Situations?

Came something good come from bad situations?

Paul Faulkner shares several good things about bad things helping us focus on what is important.

Situational Religion

Can we bend our regligion to fit our situation?

We can't change our ethics and our behavior simply based upon those with whom we find ourselves and the situation in which we find ourselves.

A Heart-Stopping Experience

Are you caught on the tracks and the train is coming?

When we place things in God's hands, we don't have to agonize with worry about them.