Articles Tagged 'Courteous'

The Forgotten Virtue

When is the last time you heard someone praised from being gentle?

Gentleness is often forgotten in today's world, but it is one of the most lauded virtues in Scripture and we must display it to be God's people.

Delayed Truth

Have you learned this important spiritual skill?

We need to learn that there is a time to be silent.

Have It His Way!

What difference can the squawking voice really make in a day?

Some people are just God's special blessings for us along the way.

Always Respectful

Can being respectful really save lives?

Marines in Iraq are learning to win people over by showing respect and courtesy rather than using their guns.

With a Cherry on Top

What ever happened to kind, courteous, and respectful speech?

We need to put kind and courteous speech back into our lifestyle.