Articles Tagged 'Clothes'

Buying the Gear, But Not Working Out!

So how much gear do you have that lies lifeless?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that a big study Bible is about as worthless to us if we don't read and apply it as workout equipment and clothes that are never use

Easter Clothes

What kind of clothes did Jesus wear that first Easter Sunday.

Rick Brown reminds us what is important about the clothes we wear on Easter and that Jesus appeared to Mary as a gardener.

Those First 5 Years

Let's be sure and not let those crucial years slip by us!

Terese Bell Kindred reminds mothers and grandmothers of the importance of a child's and grandchild's first five years of life and the urgency of making a God impression on them while we can.

Eternal Gifts

What's eternal about about a power blue baby outfit?

So many things we have are temporary, but the ones that are most important are the ones that help us hang on to the eternal.