Articles Tagged 'Burst'

Seed, Towel, Promise, and Torchlight: The Seed

Go ahead, plant a seed. See it disappear into the dirt. But, don't forget!

Phil Ware continues his four week series on seed, towel, promise, and torchlight focusing on the power of the Seed to overcome dirt, darkness, and death.

Seed, Towel, Promise, and Torchlight: The Seed

Go ahead, plant a seed. See it disappear into the dirt. But, don't forget!

Phil Ware continues his four week series on seed, towel, promise, and torchlight focusing on the power of the Seed to overcome dirt, darkness, and death.

Seed, Towel, Promise, and Torchlight: The Seed

Go ahead, plant a seed. See it disappear into the dirt. But, don't forget!

Phil Ware continues his four week series on seed, towel, promise, and torchlight focusing on the power of the Seed to overcome dirt, darkness, and death.

Not a Patch, but a Whole New World

Pursue Jesus. Completely pursue him. You will notice that while you are not religious, you are being drawn to a holy character and gracious compassion that religion longs to impart, but cannot!

Phil Ware continues looking at the gospel of Mark and reminds us that Jesus isn't a patch on religion or a new joy to infuse old and stale religion; he is an altogether all new thing.