Articles Tagged 'Admit'

We'll Never Be Happy Here (And That's Okay)

We love glorious moments, but they don't last that long... until, with Jesus, they last forever.

Michele Howe reminds of that glorious moments are precious and fleeting, until they last forever with Jesus in glory.

We'll Never Be Happy Here (And That's Okay)

We love glorious moments, but they don't last that long... until, with Jesus, they last forever.

Michele Howe reminds of that glorious moments are precious and fleeting, until they last forever with Jesus in glory.

Getting It Wrong

Come on, now, 'fess up to the truth — it's liberating!

Russ Lawson reminds us that to err is human, that we sin, we mess up, we falter, we are wrong, we make mistakes, but God is in the cleansing and forgiving business and can take care of it if we will admit it and ask for forgiveness.

When You Can't Hide Your Mistakes

What do you do when you've failed and you can't hid it?

Max Lucado reminds us that pride often keeps us in failure and compounds mistakes and sinks us deeper in sin.

No Greater Love

Admit it! Accept it! Share it!

Tom Norvell talks about God's love for us in Jesus and also anniversaries.

An Anniversary with a Message

How can it be right when you are wrong?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the New Coke debacle and also reminds us to not let our pride keep us from admitting we were wrong.

My Help Comes from the Lord

Our help comes when we act on God's promises!

Tom Norvell challenges us to move beyond mere intellectual belief of Psalm 121 to putting it into practice everyday.

The Britney Spears in Your Life

Would you be willing to help Britney if you could?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that while we may not know Britney Spears, we do know someone like her and we need to ask if we are willing to be a friend to these people?

I Messed Up Your Butter

Are you willing to admit your offenses?

When the world sees us, do we show that we are willing to admit our failures and seek to make things right?