Two Minute Meditations 2000 Archives

God-Shaped Hole

He made it, and only He can fill it.

We're Going to Have a Baby!

Those words changed everything.

A Pause to Glance Back

Take some time and reflect...


Stuck in a place we don't want to be...

Cacophony of Anticipation

It sounds great!

Life, With Thanksgiving

Phil searches with thanksgiving.


We're looking forward to it.

The Real Work of Voting

It's more than pulling a lever.

Getting our Licks In

How can we fight back?

Hold the Grits, Please

Some things just come with life, I suppose.

New, Not Improved

Can he really make us new?

The Ones You Didn't See

Behind every medal...

Hurricane Warnings

Are you prepared for the storms?

Half Full or...

How do you see it?

Without His Words

Read the instructions.

A 35-Year-Old Gift that Keeps on Giving

Precious memories, how they linger.

The Lie of Fluff

Be real.

Moving Beyond the Ashes

Where do you go next?

Faith Break

Is there such a thing?

Last in Line

The Angel Within

You bring a message.

Stuck on Stop


Midnight Waterings and Yellow Grass Musings

Hang in there, because autumn is coming!

That Sweet Vacation of Rest

Rest can be hard work.

Break the Cycle!

Make it stop!