Articles Tagged 'Fishing'

Behind the Well-Known Story, There’s More

God places value in our journey and the discovery of age-old truths that are vibrant and life-changing for us here in our specific new season.

Melissa Troyer writes with her unique and young mothering grace as she discovers new truths from an old familiar passage to discover, old stories have new truths when we come with fresh eyes and from a new place in our lives.

Much More than a Day Fishing

Stories reveal our insides, and on that day, Brook got a rare glimpse inside his dad... and he liked it!

Ron Rose is in the coffee shop carrying on a conversation when God shows up and reminds us of the huge difference a little time with our kids can make to their future and the world.

The Uncle of Yes!

Are you a yes person or a no person?

Grace means we have a lifestyle of yes, not a lifestyle of no.

Delays of Grace

What good can we find in a major delay?

Often the delays in our plans are really God being gracious and giving us what we need and not what we want or plan.