Thursday, October 16, 2025
Dear Father, reconciler of humanity,
Thank you for sending Jesus to break down the dividing wall of hostility between Jew and non-Jew. By the way he lived and the way he died - in his flesh - he rendered ineffective the law of commandments given as "decrees."
He lived a life unto you that went beyond obeying commands. He yielded himself in truly loving obedience from the heart.
Thank you that he did this to create in himself one new man, one new humanity instead of the two, one Jewish and one not Jewish.
Thank you for the peace and reconciliation we both have in you in his one body offered on the cross to bring our enmity to an end.
In the name of Jesus, our Peace. Amen.
Eldon Degge turns the apostle Paul's writings into daily, powerful prayers.
Heartlight appreciates Eldon Degge and Meridian Publishing for permission to make this available on our website. Praying with Paul is also available as a book.
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