Two Minute Meditations (Page 5) 1995 Archives

A Heavenly Whuppin’

Our Dad can beat up theirs!


God’s Word—and his people—can’t be chained.

The Heavenly Boomerang

You can’t outgive God.

Curse the Darkness

Live the victorious life.

Things That Abide

These three remain…

Swept Clean

Take care of it for good.

One Constant

We know changes aren’t permanent, but change is.

Life on Montserrat

Stuff is here for such a short time.

Blowing it in the Prelims

Focus on the victory, not the competition.

The Land of Inbetween

Not on fire, not out, just smoldering.

Old Geezer Gumption

I’d rather be ashes than dust.

Out of the Long, Dark Tunnel

Shocked, stunned, humbled.

Slam Dunk Significance

Yes! And you count!

Not Soon Enough

Time flies.

Blown Fuse

Read the manual.


Oops! I didn’t mean to do that!!

Salt, Light and Me

Are you doing your part?

Slip Sliding Away

Slow down! Hold on!

In A New York Minute

Life can change…invest in something permanent.

Routine Maintenance

A stitch in time…

June Swoon

Keep it up! Keep it up!

What A Mess

Wait for it! It might not be what you think!

Biting Off More Than We Can Chew

Maybe it’s time to spit some out.

My Daddy’s Feet

How did they get there?

Blown Away

Sometimes we feel so small.