Articles Tagged 'Focus' (Page 4)

Just Watch the Ball

Learn the most important thing first.

The one basic truth of Christianity is Jesus. Focus on him and everything else will make sense.

Worship in the Real World

Why is it so easy to draw this line?

Phil Ware reminds us that there should be no line between sacred and secular for followers of Jesus.

Beware the Quick Fix

Why do we so easily swallow the lure for the quick fix?

Rubel Shelly warns us about the lure of the quick fix and reminds us that there are no short cuts to what is valuable and that perseverance is necessary for character.

Focus on the Goal

Do you just keep your head down and focus on only what might be dangerous?

Sarah Stirman talks about running and rolling her ankle and how it made her afraid to focus on the goal and see the sights.

Move On!

What time is in it in your life?

Sarah Stirman reflects on relationships, Thanksgiving and the book of Exodus and our need to move on.

Beyond Barely Saved?

Why should we be content to remain immature in Christ?

Mike Barres challenges us to seek spiritual maturity.

Improv Parenting

Can you adjust to family life on the fly?

Jenny Runkel reminds us of the rules of improv and shows us how to use them in our parenting!

Untangling Family Knots

Can it really get better if we get closer?

Ann Voskamp uses a boy's three-legged race to be the reminder that in a family, and in life, the closer we get the better we are.

Don't Lose Focus

What distracts you most easily?

Mike Barres reminds us to not be distracted with the things going on around us but fix our eyes on Jesus.

Symbol and Reality

Just how important is the cross as a symbol?

Bill Sherrill reminds us of the importance of the cross as both a symbol and a reality of our center as believers in Jesus.

Companion Runner

How do you stay on the path?

Lisa Mikitarian talks about ultra marathons and companion runners and reminds us that Jesus is our companion runner and we need to be a companion runner to others.

Agony to Maturity

What should we expect of our leaders to help us reach maturity?

Phil Ware addresses the issue of church leadership, hypocrisy, and consumerism by pointing leaders to Paul's example in Colossians of pointing people to Jesus, praying for their maturity, and trusting in Him to supply the power as Paul worked strenuously

The Center of God's Will

Is this really a safe place?

Tom Norvell reminds us that the safest place is in the center of God's will and that means loving God and loving people.

Look Up!

Do you really think you will find answers looking where you're looking now?

Mike Barres reminds us that we so easily get our focus on things down here and not on the Lord who can help us with our lives and help us solve our problems.

Leaving the Past, Living the Kingdom

How can I escape my past?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we need to live for the present to help others and keep our focus on the matters of the Kingdom rather than let our lives get filled with regret for the past.

Totally Present for Today with a Vision for Tomorrow

Can I be present in the moment and still have a hope for the future?

Michelle Howe warns women about worry and wishing that can rob them of the present moment and distort their vision of their future.

Let's Go Somewhere Else

Why would Jesus leave someone behind?

Phil Ware talks about spending time in communion with God so that we can know best how to respond to those who need compassion and yet help us keep to our mission.

One Thing

What's the one thing you are supposed to do?

Phil Ware shares about how important it is to find our one thing we are supposed to do in life and how to find it by spending time with Jesus.

Can Words Have Authority?

Can anyone actually speak with real authority today?

Russ Lawson reminds us that while some words are balderdash and came to us through crazy circumstances, Jesus words are the opposite: he speaks with real authority.

Be Intentional about What Matters Most

What is really most important in your family?`

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we have to be intentional or what we view as important gets lost in the busyness of life.

Christ at the Center

So what is our faith really about?

Phil Ware talks about what is most important about the Bible and the focus of Scripture and the answer is simple: Jesus must be the center of everything.

Birthday Flowers

Who do we celebrate?

Just as birthdays should be about moms, so our very lives should be about the One who gave us life

It's Not About ...

What is your life really about?

Is our life about us or about God, about giving him the praise in everything or about everything revolving around us.

Avoiding the Drift

Are you drifting off the mark?

As human beings, we can so easily get off track and drift off course and miss our target because we get distracted.

Distracted by Many Preparations

What takes your gaze away from Jesus?

It is so easy to get distracted by a lot of good things instead of focusing on Jesus, just as Martha and Mary showed us.