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"Hey Mom," my daughter said when I answered the phone, "I've got some big news. I didn't get a pink slip!"

My daughter is a first year teacher and many of her friends and co-workers did get the dreaded pink slip. Some of them will be rehired before school starts back in the fall, but Kentucky's education budget is tighter than ever; and, as a former school board member, I am well aware that dollars only stretch so far.

I think my daughter was destined to be a teacher from the time she was just a little girl. While her friends were asking for baby dolls for Christmas she wanted marker boards to play "teacher." Maybe she was genetically programmed to teach. Her grandmother was a teacher and so am I, as well as many of her aunts and cousins.

Some people are born knowing what they want to do with their lives, while others have to search in order to find their calling. Some folks are born into Christian families and accept Christ easily. Others know that they need something to cling to, but they aren't sure where to look. Still others turn down roads that lead them to heartache and destruction.

He never gives pink slips!
No matter how we get to Christ, once we are there, we are all treated the same. Christ is an "equal opportunity employer: and He never gives pink slips (Hebrews 13:5-8;  Romans 8:32-39). He wants all His children with Him forever.

Follow God's example in everything you do, because you are his dear children (Ephesians 5:1).