When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. (Romans 5:6)

Something always seems to happen at just the right time. The something may be different, usually is, but something almost always happens at just the right time to make life better, to get you through a situation, or to give you strength to continue the journey.

A mother who spends all day with small children gets almost to the end of her rope by the end of the day. Her nerves are on edge. The noise in the house has reached the "driving me crazy stage." She has issued her last warning. "The next child who says, 'Mommy, I want ...' will spend the rest of the day in their room." Then, at just the right time, Dad comes home and gives her a break (hopefully a real break, not just the opportunity to prepare dinner). She will be able to survive another day with the children.

A teacher has reached his breaking point with his unruly students who daydream more than focus, talk more than listen, and play more than they study. He's questioning his sanity and considering a career change. He's made up his mind that if things do not get better by year's end, he's quitting. At just the right time, a former student stops by just to talk. During the conversation the student tells him, "You taught me so much! Thank you." He will renew his contract.

A youth worker is considering leaving his ministry position. He's been doing it for years. He is afraid he's losing touch with the younger generation. His family needs have changed. He finds himself scanning the "Minister Needed" section of the church papers, and occasionally he ponders what it would be like to be just a regular church member. At just the right time he gets a call from a former member of his youth group. He tells him he is considering going into youth ministry and wants to ask his advice.

At just the right time, God sent his son.
A dad drags himself out of his office at the end of another long grueling day. He's seen his clients more often than he has seen his family. Yesterday he missed another of his son's games. He likes his job but finding the balance between work and family is tough. He wishes he could figure out a better way of life. At just the right time he and his family get away for a vacation. They reconnect. They recommit. They refocus. They are refreshed. He will go back to work next week with a new attitude.

A friendship is hanging on by a thread. Too much time and too many miles have made it difficult to stay close. Every week your good intentions are to give her a call. Every week you fail to call. You rarely hear from her and when you do it is just the surface stuff of life that you despise. At just the right time she calls and says she is coming for a visit. You visit. You laugh. You rebuild. You are amazed at how it seems as though you picked up right where you were the last time you were together.

A believer does everything in his power to justify his inheritance in the kingdom. He works hard in the church. He provides for his family. He prays regularly and often. He reads his Bible daily. He doesn't cuss, smoke or drink, and he does not hang out with those who do. But still it's not enough. He has no peace. He has no hope. He has no confidence in eternity. At just the right time, God sent his son into the world to die on the cross and save us from our sins and finally understands the reality of the Father's grace. (Romans 5:1-11)

God provides for our needs at just the right time. The right time is not always what we consider the right time. But it is His time. That is the right time.

May God bless you so that you can see this time when it comes!