You may want to sing (at least in your mind) as you read these words of Annie S. Hawks (1872):

I need Thee, O I need Thee.
Ev’ry hour I need Thee!
O bless me now, my Savior:
I come to Thee! Amen.

Father, I do need You. I need you every hour of my day.

Before I open my eyes in the morning I need You to be present in my thoughts so that when I do open my eyes I will begin my day by thinking of You. When I begin my day with You on my mind and in my heart, it is much easier to stay focused on You the rest of the day. When my day begins with a focus on my daily tasks, the problems I must face and feel I must solve consume my thinking, and my prayers. So Father, I need You in the morning hours.

As I take my first steps I need You to remind me of the gift of another day that You have given me. The water I will use to brush my teeth, shave my face and wash my body reminds me that You are the living water that has and will continue to change my life. The medicines I take remind me that You are the Great Physician and that You are willing to heal me of all my spiritual diseases if I will only abide in You and do your will. Father, I need You to keep me healthy.

As I greet my family I need You to remind me that You have entrusted me to be a Father to my children, and to love my wife the way You love Your church. I need you to remind me that with the conversations I have with these precious ones I can give them life, or I can take the life out of their day. I can be a light, or I can bring darkness into their day. I can bless them and build them up, or I can frustrate them and tear them down. Father, I need You show me how to be a father and a husband.

As I go through my day I need You to remind me that people are looking at me and looking to me to help them see You more clearly. I need You to help me use words that will build up and not tear down. I need You to help me use my ears to listen to the cares and concerns of those who come to me for help. I need You to help me use my heart to feel the pain of the broken-hearted, and the breaking heart that cannot speak. I need You to help me use my hands to perform the tasks that You will place before me.

As I close my eyes at the end of the day I need You to remind me that if I have done my best to please You throughout the day then You are pleased with me. That if I have failed to please You, You will forgive me and still give me the peace of knowing You are a loving and patient God. I need You to remind me that You are ultimately in charge of everything, and that even with my failures I can rest in Your arms.

Father, I need You every hour, of every day, of every week, of every month, of every year of my life. Bless me now, my Savior, I come to You.

Bend down, O LORD, and hear my prayer; answer me, for I need your help (Psalm 86:1 NLT).