Quotemeal: Oct. 16th, 2021

Saturday, October 16, 2021

"So what to do? Two Things, it seems to me. At least two. Use up each day. Fill it overflowing with good. Deliberately enjoy it. Two, begin now. Mend a fractured friendship, mail an overdue letter, repair a broken heart, lay aside a griveance, act on a noble impulse. As we all know, "The night cometh"."
— Lanny Henninger

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"Socrates, being asked what countryman he was, answered, "I am a citizen of the whole world." But ask a Christian what countryman he is, and he will answer, "A....."


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Saturday, October 16, 2021

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Illustration of Lanny Henninger — "So what to do? Two Things, it seems to me. At least two. Use up each day.  Fill it overflowing with good.  Deliberately enjoy it.  Two, begin now. Mend a fractured friendship, mail an overdue letter, repair a broken heart, lay aside a griveance, act on a noble impulse.  As we all know, "The night cometh"."

About This Devotional

Quotemeal is a daily dose of Christian quotes to inspire and encourage.