Quotemeal: Mar. 20th, 2021

Saturday, March 20, 2021

"Christ is our temple, in whom by faith all believers meet."
— Matthew Henry

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"We can see hope in the midst of hopelessness. We can see peace in the midst of chaos. We have a hope that the world does not have. We can see clearly that all....."
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless."


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Saturday, March 20, 2021

A daily devotional about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
"Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were..."
A daily guide from the gospels that challenges readers to live for Jesus.
"[Jesus continued:] "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.""
A daily devotional featuring wise counsel found in Scripture.
"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver."
The classic twice-daily devotional from Charles H. Spurgeon.
"What a golden example Christ gives to his disciples! Few masters could venture to say, "If you would practise my teaching, imitate my life;" but as..."


Illustration of Matthew Henry — "Christ is our temple, in whom by faith all believers meet."

About This Devotional

Quotemeal is a daily dose of Christian quotes to inspire and encourage.