Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Dear Father, eternal and just judge of all,
Help me never to shame you or your saints before the world. How could I dare seek arbitration with a brother before a judge who does not even know about Christ's way? If believers are someday to judge the world, and even angels, surely we can settle matters between ourselves. Help me, Father, to willingly suffer wrong rather than to quarrel with members of your family before the world and thereby invite their ridicule.
Don't permit us to be deceived, but to know that the immoral, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, thieves, greedy, drunkards, revilers, and robbers will not inherit your kingdom. Yes, Father, we were these kinds of people before we came to know your salvation. But you washed us, sanctified us, justified us in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and in your very own Spirit. Thank you, loving Father, for reaching out to us, changing us, saving us!
In the name of Jesus, by whose blood we are washed clean and by whose Spirit we are made to live, I pray. Amen.
Eldon Degge turns the apostle Paul's writings into daily, powerful prayers.
Heartlight appreciates Eldon Degge and Meridian Publishing for permission to make this available on our website. Praying with Paul is also available as a book.
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