Praying with Paul: 'No Lack in God'

Friday, March 8, 2024

1 Corinthians 1:4-9

Dear Father, my faithful God,

Thank you now and forevermore for the grace which you gave in Christ Jesus. In every way you have enriched me in all speech and all knowledge - even as the testimony of Christ has been confirmed before my eyes - so that I am not lacking in any spiritual gift, as I, along with all my brethren, wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

You are my faithful God. It is you who have called me into fellowship with your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.

I have confidence that you will sustain me to the very end and present me guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I put my trust wholly in you, my holy God, for you are wholly trustworthy.

In the name of Jesus, who was faithful to you and is always faithful to me. Amen.


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No Lack in God — 1 Corinthians 1:4-9

About This Devotional

Eldon Degge turns the apostle Paul's writings into daily, powerful prayers.

Heartlight appreciates Eldon Degge and Meridian Publishing for permission to make this available on our website. Praying with Paul is also available as a book.