Daily Wisdom: Proverbs 16:17

Monday, November 4, 2013

The highway of the upright avoids evil; he who guards his way guards his life.
— Proverbs 16:17

More Daily Wisdom

"Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered."
Romans 4:7
"Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God."
1 Peter 2:16
"For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life."
"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good."
Romans 12:9


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Monday, November 4, 2013

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A daily devotional about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
"You realize, don't you, that you are the temple of God, and God himself is present in you? No one will get by with vandalizing God's temple, you can be sure of...."


Illustration of Proverbs 16:17 — The highway of the upright avoids evil; he who guards his way guards his life.

About This Devotional

Daily Wisdom is a free daily devotional for Christians featuring wise counsel found in Scripture.