Matthew 20:1-7 NLT

Kingdom Laborers

Scripture Illustration of Matthew 20:1-7 NLT

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Tags Heaven, Kingdom, Work, People, One
Description Illustration of Matthew 20:1-7 NLT -- "The kingdom of heaven is like a man that owned some land. The man grew grapes on his land. One morning, the man went out very early to hire some other people to work in his field. The man agreed to pay the workers one silver coin for working that day. Then the man sent the people into the field to work. At about nine o'clock the man went to the market place and saw some other people standing there. These people were doing nothing. So the man said to them, 'If you go and work in my field, I will pay you what your work is worth.' So the people went to work in the field. The man went out again about twelve o'clock and again at three o'clock. Both times the man hired some other people to work in his field. At about five o'clock the man went to the market place again. He saw some other people standing there. The man asked them, 'Why did you stand here all day doing nothing?' The people said, 'No person gave us a job.' The man said to them, 'Then you can go and work in my field.'"
Artist Heartlight
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