Praying with Paul: 'The Measure of Greatness'

Monday, March 25, 2024

1 Corinthians 3:21-23

Dear Father, kind and generous God,

Let us look for the imitation of Jesus in the lives of others, for you have made this the measure of greatness. And even if we should find it, let us give the glory to you, to whom it truly belongs! For you are worthy!

Thank you that you don't pay us what you owe, but give us everything freely! For all things are ours through your grace — whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world, or life or death, or things present or things future — everything is ours! And we are Christ's, and Christ is yours!

Through him and you, we are wise, rich, beautiful and powerful, and have the promise of living happily forevermore! How wonderful!

Thank you, Father. You are so generous and kind!

In the blessed name of Jesus. Amen.


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The Measure of Greatness — 1 Corinthians 3:21-23

About This Devotional

Eldon Degge turns the apostle Paul's writings into daily, powerful prayers.

Heartlight appreciates Eldon Degge and Meridian Publishing for permission to make this available on our website. Praying with Paul is also available as a book.