"Like a victorious locker room," says Philip Yancey, "church is a place to exult, to give thanks, to celebrate the good news that all is forgiven, that God is love, that victory is certain."

Have you ever noticed how the celebration goes after a World Series, Super Bowl, or Junior Soccer Match? The players who made errors, missed their assignments, and dropped passes are just as excited and happy as the ones who hit home runs or kicked winning goals. If you're on Christ's team, you get to shout for joy over what he has done and to march in the victory parade.

But somebody says she doesn't feel like celebrating. Another pipes up to say he is nothing but a loser. "My health is rotten!" protests someone. "I'm on the verge of losing my job, and I don't know how we can keep from losing our house," cries another. "My divorce will be final next week," says a trembling voice, "and I never meant to be alone at this point in my life."

Listen up! You're not a "loser." And despite the distress, sleepless nights, or uncertain markets, you still have reason to cheer — if you know Jesus Christ.

Think about sports memorabilia for a moment. A few days ago, I walked through a collection of bats, balls, jerseys, and other sports items that were too expensive for me even to handle — much less consider buying. A baseball that once cost only a few dollars is worth several thousand because Babe Ruth held it in his hands and wrote his name on it. A football that might sell for $20 is worth hundreds because Troy Aikman has held and signed it.

Most baseball cards are not worth the paper they're printed on. However, a signed Ted Williams card my son has in his collection is worth hundreds of dollars because the legendary player once held it in his hands and signed his name on it.

Do you get the point?
Are you following me? Do you get the point?

You're not just another sales rep, truck driver, or programmer. Even if you don't make headlines or tons of money, you're valuable. In spite of the fact that you're embarrassed about something in the past or scared of something in your future, you matter. So you can stop selling yourself short. If you have been held in Christ's hands and have the signature mark of the Spirit of God your heart, you are saved. You have a reason for living. And you have a future that is secure.

You're no loser, my friend. You are the child of the King!