I love the way Frederick Buechner paraphrases Jesus' response to John's disciples when they came asking, "Are you really the Messiah? Or should we look for another?"

As Buechner puts it, he said, "Well, you go tell John what you've seen around here. You tell him that there are people who have sold their seeing eye dogs and have taken up birdwatching! You tell him there are people who have traded their aluminum walkers in for hiking boots! You tell him the down-and-out have turned into the up-and-coming, and a lot of deadbeats are living it up for the first time in their lives!"

Isn't that a great way to put it? It's modern, I know, but I think he's right. Wherever Jesus went, crazy things happened. No one was ever the same. He turned the world upside-down because ... well, because the world was wrong-side-up.

Go back to John and tell what you have seen and heard — the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is preached to the poor. And tell him, "God blesses those who do not turn away because of me" (Luke 7:22-23 NLT).