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Straight Through

With this plan, you can read through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in one calendar year.
Link to verses in

Monday, July 22 Psalms 138:4-140:13
Tuesday, July 23 Psalms 141:1-145:7
Wednesday, July 24 Psalms 145:8-148:6
Thursday, July 25 Psalms 148:7-150:6; Proverbs 1:1-2:9
Friday, July 26 Proverbs 2:10-5:14
Saturday, July 27 Proverbs 5:15-8:11
Sunday, July 28 Proverbs 8:12-11:11
Monday, July 29 Proverbs 11:12-13:25
Tuesday, July 30 Proverbs 14-16
Wednesday, July 31 Proverbs 17-20

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