Recent polls find that only one-third of Americans consider Christ's birth the most important aspect of Christmas. By 44% to 33%, more people cited the opportunity for "family time" as the main reason Christmas is important to them. Even when considering only respondents who said they were Christians (88% of Americans), the birth of Christ drew the top vote from only 37%.

There is a movement in some evangelical circles advocating that for Christmas to be genuine, it must promote the inclusion of Christ. And according to the above survey, we can see from where their concern arises. The survey would appear to say that Christ has been kept out of Christmas! But with all due respect to my evangelical friends, I want to reassure them that regardless of how much people may try, they are not going to remove Christ from Christmas.

Since Christ is in all aspects of our lives, why should he be absent during the most festive time of the year? The gospels show our Lord at weddings (John 2) and dining with friends and disciples (Matthew 9), not to mention his participation in the great Jewish festivals that had great social importance to God's people.

If Christmas is a time of sharing, then our Lord is present. In his earthly ministry, Jesus did not have anything, yet he gave everything. He never handled money, yet he made us all rich. He never owned a home or even had a bed, but he has provided for us to have shelter and food. He never wrote a book, yet he shared beautiful stories (We call them parables.) which were written down by his disciples — and are now available to us in hundreds of languages and dialects.

If Christmas is a time of giving, then our Lord is present. He gave more than anyone on the face of this earth. You cannot out-give Him. He not only gave to those in need — by healing, feeding and blessing — he gave of himself through his sacrifice on the Cross. He gave while he was living and he keeps giving while he is in heaven, at the right side of the Father.

If Thanksgiving is a time for the counting of our blessings, then Christmas is a time when we must acknowledge the source of those blessings: Jesus Christ. The Author of our salvation is also the Giver of our blessings. Paul learned how to give from our Lord, as he taught him: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35)

Taking Christ out of any part of our lives would be insane.
Taking Christ out of any part of our lives would be insane; it would be foolish — it would be impossible. Christ is in Christmas, just as he is in every celebration and every crisis throughout the year. You can ignore him, you can mock him — or you can adore him.

"Oh come, let us adore him!"

For where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them. (Matthew 18:20)