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Randy BectonFood's False Power, by Randy Becton   Real Audio

Editor's Note: The average American will gain between 4 and 10 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. While part of this has to do with an abundance of good food and many invitations to parties and fellowships and family gatherings, it is often the stress that provokes our out of control approach to food. Rather than get caught in a troublesome small talk, we'll go for more food. In the middle of a nerve wracking family squabble, we turn to food for comfort. Because we are sleep deprived, we find ourselves eating more meals to keep on going. While found in both the Old and New Testament (Prov. 23:20-21; 28:7; Titus 1:12), the Bible's warnings against gluttony often go unheeded. Let's pay attention to Randy's encouragement and also check out those links in the left margin for additional resources. As Paul said, "I will be mastered by nothing!" (1 Cor. 6:12-13)

    Food can be one of life’s greatest pleasures, but it also can become a toxic weapon that wars against our soul.

    When we hear the word “gluttony,” we can easily dismiss it and say, “That’s someone else’s problem, not mine.” Let’s be honest: Food may have more power over you and me than we think it does. Frederica Green helps us when she asks, “Why is over eating such a hard sin to break?”

…the real power of comfort, Jesus Christ.
    Well, food is pleasurable. Where there’s pleasure, there is power. Being over-indulgent is linked to our desire for pleasure and power because our lives can be filled with so many disappointments and so many unmet needs. When confronted with these hurts, we’re tempted to run to the refrigerator for our comfort. By elevating our spirits, we get a little sense of power. The problem comes when we let food become a substitute for dependence upon the real power of comfort, Jesus Christ.

    Please, hear me clearly, I want you to know that God loves you no matter how large or small you are. But if overindulging in food is a problem you’re facing, I’m asking you to quit going to the wrong source for comfort. I'd like to help. I’d like to help. Send me an email to herald@abilene.com, attn: Randy Becton.


HEARTLIGHT(R) Magazine is a ministry of loving Christians and the Westover Hills church of Christ.
Edited by Phil Ware and Paul Lee.
Article copyright © 1996-97, Randy Becton. Used by permission.
Design copyright © 1996-97, Heartlight, Inc., 8332 Mesa Drive, Austin, TX 78759.
May be reprinted and reused for non-commercial purposes only if copyright credits are appropriately displayed.
HEARTLIGHT and the flared heart design are service marks of Heartlight, Inc.