Making Life Work for Your Family

Significant Heroes

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When I ask my students to list the five most significant persons -heroes-who have ever lived, Jesus is always at the top of that list followed by names like Mother Theresa, Dag Hammerschule, Martin Luther King and a number of others. What all of these people have in common is ministering to others, service to mankind. I don't think I've ever had even one politician on that list!

Of course the greatest model for a hero is Jesus. He was always about teaching, preaching, healing, feeding the hungry, comforting the widows and orphans. And if we're going to grow to be men, real men, we need to get off our high horses, and our big egos, and ask our wives and maybe even our children, "How can I be a better servant around the house and in the neighborhood?" And I guarantee they can tell you. And it'll make everyone feel so good...even you!

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Making Life Work for Your Family, produced by Ambassador Advertising Agency for Dr. Paul Faulkner, Copyright (c) 1995.
HEARTLIGHT and the flared heart design are service marks of Heartlight, Inc.