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Giving Back

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The spirit of generosity is spreading like wildfire through a Northern California community. It all started because of Les Borcut. Les Borcut tinkers with old bicycles.

Les runs a one-man bicycle hospital. He's repaired more than two thousand bicycles and donated them to newly arrived Russian immigrants. When word spread about his kindness, his community started dropping hundreds of old bikes on his doorstep! Now, there is a story behind this sympathy toward immigrants. Both of his grandfathers had fled persecution in Russia, crossed the Atlantic, and found a new life in America. And Les says, "Fixing bicycles is my way of giving back."

What a beautiful example for all of us who are Christian believers. We were delivered from the bondage of Satan, we were welcomed into a new life in Jesus Christ, and what we do now is we try to pass along God's steadfast love to other people. We give it to them, not because it is duty, but because we are grateful. Think about the doors that open when we love other people extravagantly in the name of Jesus Christ. Follow Les Borcut's example! It may not be bicycles, but give what you have, because you are grateful to God.

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