Articles Tagged 'Sleepless'

Shape Your Worries into Prayer

In those times of restlessness and anxiety, where do we turn for relief?

Tom Norvell reminds us to take our worries, our concerns, our troubles, and turn them into prayers and praises.

Take No Thought?

So what are we supposed to think about if not this?

Tom Norvell uses Matthew 6:25 and several translations (NIV, Message, and KJV translations) to help drive home Jesus' point and that many of us who look good on the outside are filled with worry on the inside, worry Jesus wants to take off our shoulders.

The Burden & Blessing of Prayer

A hard night leads to a great time of prayer.

Tom Norvell talks about a sleepless night that leads to a great time of prayer and some key lessons about prayer.

That Didn't Hurt!

Why do we dread what we don't know?

Larry Davies shares a childhood experience and reminds us that we don't have to fear the unexpected or unexplained; we can pray and avoid a whole lot of sleepless nights.

Just a Small Sliver of Light

Where did that laser beam come from, anyway?

In a world of darkness, an intensely focused life is going to emit a lot of light in our dark world.